Wednesday 28 January 2009

Life and death

Do ghost-cats exist? What do you think? I've been discussing it in some depth with Anthea over at the insect house. We both think that they do and I think I've seen one. Last Wednesday evening I was in the kitchen making some marmite on toast for my tea when out of the corner of my eye I saw this lump on the floor and heard what I can only describe as a vibrating cat noise... Well I can tell you it freaked me out! I spun around to see what it was and there was nothing there... very spooky indeed! I shan't be eating marmite on toast in a hurry if that's the sort of things that it can summon up!
Tragic news my friends. Norman the tortoise has been found dead. He was lying in a ditch not far away from where I last saw him near the primate house. His little feet were sticking right up in the air and he's gone all boss-eyed. Nobody knows what happened but I suspect foul play! I reckon that peacock that had a go at me the other day has something to do with it but nobody wants to listen to me. Anyway they're going to check the CCTV records to see what happened immediately before his death.
In other zoo news it seems that Arnold the Orangutan has been hiding a secret. Arnold, it can be revealed, is up the duff and therefore we can only conclude that he has been hiding his ovaries from us all for the past four years. Sneaky bugger! Anyway - I suppose it's still good news.
Must get off now - I have to go and scrub up some puke which some school child kindly left for us outside the bat enclosure. Joy!
Bye for now my lovelies
Barbara x

Thursday 22 January 2009

Anger Management

As far as I can tell Peacocks are the angriest birds in the world. I was walking across the car park this morning when one of the little gits went for me! It came out of nowhere and flew straight for my back. I shook it off and started running but it ran after me and kept launching itself at my face! Eventually I fought off the little shit and managed to tread on it's neck - you wouldn't believe the noise that comes out of one of those things! Eventually it started to calm down - I think it was running out of breath - and it gave me just enough time to get away and into the entrance building.

It's still out there you know. I reckon it's waiting for me. I saw it outside the canteen window at lunch time. It kept jumping up to the window and squawking and flapping its wings. It had a very angry look in its eyes and a slight bend in its neck.

Anyway - I've been chatting with Bill about animals' psychic ability and we reckon that Llamas are the most psychic. There was this one time that one of them got Bill under a spell - he was in a trance for hours. He doesn't remember exactly what happened but when he woke up there was three of them towering over him, he had lost three hours and his pockets were full of gravel. Spooky.
Right my lovelies - I'm off. Wish me luck with that bloody peacock - I'll snap its tiny, little, bleeding head off its body if it tries it again! I've got scratches all over me and it's the zoo keepers' ball coming up in a couple of weeks. Anyways - I'll see you soon
Barbara x

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Joey Deacon

I was hanging out with the kangaroos this morning just listening to music and scratching when unexpectedly the Men At Work hit - Down Under came on the stereo. I don't know what came over me but I just started crying. I think it was the emotion of the lyrics - they're so deep and meaningful. It truly touched my soul. The kangaroos didn't seem very interested though but they're not particularly spiritual animals are they? Not like the goats or the pot bellied pigs down at the petting zoo. They're always connecting with each other and having a good old cry.
In an attempt to cheer them up I have knitted a little jumper for Joey - ooh it makes me giggle! I hope they like it. That reminds me of that joke - What do you get when you cross a sheep with a kangaroo? A woolly jumper! Ha ha ha ha ha!

That reminds me of something else too - isn't it funny how your brain works? I was driving to work this morning, doing a bit of knitting on the way, when this police car came along side me. The police man looked into the car and shouted PULL OVER! I shouted back - No! It's a cardigan! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! That was another joke. I'm right funny aren't I?

Toodle pip!

Babs x

Tuesday 20 January 2009

A boring day...

Well my lovelies, it's been a bit of a boring day today. I was played poker with Bill this afternoon at the insect house - we used the Pea beetles as counters - I won. I lost a couple of the faster little buggers but there's plenty of them around so it doesn't really matter.
I did a bit of a clean up near the primate house and found Norman the tortoise still there from last time I saw him. Thought that was a bit weird. He's still twitching a bit but now he seems to be walking in very slow and very big circles. Still he seemed to be eating okay, he scoffed down a couple of chips he found on the ground just while I was there!
Good news! Melanie, the black tailed monkey, has turned up. She's a bit grumpy but we've got her back under lock and key and we've got the psychologist popping round tomorrow to visit her. He seems to think that all we need need do is get her to pop a couple of Valium and play her some calming music and she'll be right as rain. I'm going to dig out some old Sting records for her, that'll do the trick.
No more to tell today I don't think so I'll say TTFN

Barbara xx

Sunday 18 January 2009

An exciting day!

Well I don't think my boss is best pleased with me. He said that if I don't shape up then I will need to seriously consider my position here at the zoo. I'm not sure really what he means but all the time he was talking to me the vein on the side of his head was throbbing.
Anyway - that's by the by. I have exciting news! The science bods have finally found the growth gene for the african elephants and it should just be a matter of months before the first miniature elephant is born! We expect it to be about the size of a jack russell and if it's successful they want to try it with the giraffes! Just imagine taking tiny elephants and giraffes on a walk around the park on a lead! There's a competition amongst the staff to come up with a name for the first miniature elephant - I've suggested Dulcie. I'm quietly confident.
Another thing happened today. I was walking down towards the primate house to take some tools back to Dave and I kicked what I thought was a stone. It turns out that it was actually Norman - the tortoise. He went quite far. I went and picked him up from the under the bushes, put him the right way up again and let him go on his way. He seemed alright apart from a bit of a twitchy face. Anyway - don't tell the boss. I'll see you soon my lovelies.
B xx

Thursday 15 January 2009

A busy afternoon

Well let me tell you - it's been all go today at the zoo!

Chad the giraffe was introduced to our newest arrival - Chantelle - and as you can see they got off to a great start and seem to have bonded well.

Melanie the black tailed monkey has gone missing - I've hunted high and low and even scuffed my knees trying to get on top of the ladies toilet block when I thought I saw her scurry up there. Turns out that it was a dirty old pigeon so we got one of the groundsmen to shoot the thing down.
I'm just off now to meet with the head keeper - he's not very happy with me and wants to have a quick chat. Can't think what the matter is though.
Anyway - toodle-oo my lovelies, I'll come back to you later and let you know how it all went
Barbara x


Hello everybody!
My name is Barbara McDouglas and I work at Slackpool Zoo.
I hope you will enjoy reading about my adventures with the animals.

I'll pop back soon with tales and piccies from the park.

Lots of love

Barbara xxx