I was in the zoo cafe this afternoon having cottage pie and chips for me dinner - it was delicious with a few slices of beetroot and a dollop of gravy. It struck me, whilst eating, that the vinegar jug looked a little bit like a douche - except without the balloon bit on the end. Anyway after I'd finished I went for a quick stroll around the grounds whilst I had a ciggie and noticed a meerkat loose near the sealion pool. Before I knew it that bleeding penguin was making a bee line for it and launched itself directly at it! Anyway - long story short - I've now got a dead meerkat on my hands. Literally. I've got it in my locker. I panicked and instead of calling the vet I stuffed the thing in my body warmer and took it back to the staff room. I'm not sure how to deal with it now. I should have just told someone straight away but now it looks suss if I own up to it hours later. It's a bit of a worry.
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