Saturday 18 April 2009

Petrol and pizza

Toxic Terry is back! He was there last night hanging about outside the main gates as i was leaving. Fag in one hand and a plastic bottle half full of petrol in the other. I've not seen him for years! I thought he's killed himself the last time he set himself on fire. Why anyone would want to swig unleaded is beyond me and why he chooses to loiter outside the zoo is anybody's guess.

Anyway, I managed to sneak past him, get in my bubble car and whizz away quickly. He chased me though - I could see him in my rear view mirror! This morning he was asleep in the bushes near the gates so I managed to get in without much trouble.

This morning has already been quite exciting. I was feeding the red pandas a bit of Domino's pizza that I found lying around in the staff room when one of the little critters did a really big burp and I swear to God he burped the word Barbara! I couldn't believe my ears! I tried to get him to do it again but alas - nothing, just a faint whiff of cheese and bamboo leaves.

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